The white hair of the head will turn black quickly, Apply this oil a few minutes before taking a bath
If you want premature graying hair to turn back to black, then today we will tell you a powerful oil that five minutes before bathing, if you apply it in the hair, all the hair on the head will be white. You will quickly turn black and you will look as young and beautiful as before. Powerful oil is this. First take a spoonful of it and then peel it and grate it. Now take a pan. Add a cup of amla ( Indian gooseberry ) oil and heat it. When the oil starts to heat up, then add pumpkin pulp and cook till the pulp turns light golden. Then turn off the stove. Once the oil has cooled, filter and store the oil in a clean bottle and apply it on your hair five minutes before taking a bath and after five minutes, wash your hair with a good shampoo to make your white hair turn black. And this method must be done twice a week. Note: Try to avoid it with more thinking and anger because this thing bothers a person a lot. If you like this recip...